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Listen Once

Requires DiSky v4.19.0


The "Listen Once" feature in DiSky allows you to create a one-time event listener that automatically unregisters after being triggered. As the name suggests, this feature lets you listen one time to a specific event and then automatically unregister the listener.

There's also a built-in timeout system to execute specific code once it's expired, while the other "actual" code isn't executed. Every DiSky event can be used with this feature.

Key Features

  1. One-time Listening: The listener automatically unregisters after the first trigger.
  2. Timeout System: You can set a timeout period, after which a specific code block will execute if the event hasn't occurred.
  3. Versatility: Compatible with all DiSky events.


Because of Skript, you don't have easy control on context outside the listen once section. The best way to handle this is to use set {_var} to ... and then use this variable inside the listen once section.

Good to know

You have two ways to "execute" code in the outer event context:

  • For effects that require a specific context (e.g. the reply with effect that requires an interaction), simply prefix the effect with outer (e.g. outer reply with "Hello")
  • For the outer event's values, again, prefix the expression with outer (e.g. set {_var} to outer event-message)

Usage and Syntax

listen once to "event name" with timeout X seconds:
    on subscribe:
        # Code to execute when the event occurs

    on timeout:
        # Code to execute if the timeout is reached
  • Replace "event name" with the desired DiSky event (e.g., "message received").
  • Set X to the number of seconds for the timeout (optional).


discord command listen:
    prefixes: ?
        set {_prefix} to used prefix #(1)!
        listen once to "message received" with timeout 5 seconds: #(2)!
        on subscribe:
            reply with "%jump url of event-message% (original message: %jump url of outer event-message%). Used prefix: %{_prefix}%"

            on timeout:
                outer reply with "Timeout reached (%used prefix%)" #(3)!
  1. Variables are shared before & during the listen once section. You can use them in the listen once section.
  2. Any event is accepted between the quotes. Simply use an event name without the 'on' prefix.
  3. The on timeout sub-section is run using the outer context, so in this case, the discord command event.

You can see that the 'subscribe' sub-section is not required

discord command listen:
    prefixes: ?
        set {_prefix} to used prefix #(1)!
        listen once to "message received": #(2)!
            reply with "%jump url of event-message% (original message: %jump url of outer event-message%). Used prefix: %{_prefix}%"
  1. Variables are shared before & during the listen once section. You can use them in the listen once section.
  2. Any event is accepted between the quotes. Simply use an event name without the 'on' prefix.