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Context Commands

DiSky v4.21.0 introduces a new way to create context menu commands using a structure-based system. Context commands appear when right-clicking on either a user or a message in Discord, allowing for quick actions without typing commands.

Core Structure

The core structure for a context command follows this pattern:

user/message command {name}:
    # Entries (see below)

You have two things to specify: 1. The command type (user or message) 2. The command name (what appears in the context menu)


user command userinfo:
    description: Get information about a user
    bot: my_bot

        set {_e} to new embed:
            title: "User Information"
            description: "Information about %target user%"
            color: blue

                name: "Tag"
                value: "%discord name of target user%"

                name: "ID"
                value: "%discord id of target user%"

                name: "Account Created"
                value: "%creation date of target user%"

            thumbnail: avatar url of target user

        reply with {_e}


Bot (Required)

Specifies which bot will register and handle the command:

user command avatar:
    bot: my_bot

Guilds (Optional)

Specifies in which guilds the command should be registered. If not specified, the command will be registered globally:

message command report:
    bot: my_bot
    guilds: 937001799896956988, 952199041335316520

Name Localizations (Optional)

Allows you to provide different command names for different Discord client languages:

user command profile:
    bot: my_bot
        fr: profil
        es: perfil
        de: profil

Permissions (Optional)

Controls who can use the command using the enabled for entry:

message command pin:
    bot: my_bot
    enabled for: manage messages

You can specify multiple permissions:

message command delete:
    bot: my_bot
    enabled for: manage messages, administrator

Special values: - enabled for: all - Everyone can use the command (default) - enabled for: none - No one can use the command except administrators

Trigger (Required)

Contains the code that will be executed when the command is used. You have access to special values depending on the command type:

User Commands

  • target user - The user that was right-clicked
  • event-user - The user who used the command
  • event-member - The member who used the command (if in a guild)
  • event-guild - The guild where the command was used (if in a guild)
user command avatar:
    bot: my_bot
        set {_e} to new embed:
            title: "Avatar"
            description: "Avatar of %target user%"
            image: avatar url of target user
            color: blue
        reply with {_e}

Message Commands

  • target message - The message that was right-clicked
  • event-user - The user who used the command
  • event-member - The member who used the command (if in a guild)
  • event-guild - The guild where the command was used (if in a guild)
message command quote:
    bot: my_bot
        set {_e} to new embed:
            author: discord name of author of target message
            author icon: avatar url of author of target message
            description: content of target message
            color: blue
            footer: "Quoted by %event-user%"
        reply with {_e}

Additional Notes

  • Context commands must follow Discord's naming guidelines (32 characters max, alphanumeric with spaces)
  • Each bot can have up to 5 global user commands and 5 global message commands
  • Guild commands have a shared limit of 100 commands per guild (including slash commands)
  • The command name can only contain letters, numbers, and spaces