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Modals are a great way to ask for user input via Discord itself. It works like a form, and it's integrated into Discord's UI. We can currently only add text inputs to modals, but soon we'll be able to configure checkboxes, dropdowns, and more.

In this page, we'll see how to create a modal, and handle the user's input.

Creating a modal

A modal contains the following properties:

  • A title, displayed at the top of the modal
  • A ID, to identify the modal once the user send a response
  • A list of components, that currently only contains text inputs


For now, one modal can contain up to 5 text inputs!

Let's create a modal with a title, and a single text input:

# We create the modal
set {_modal} to a new modal with id "unique-id" named "My modal"

# And then we add a text input to it

set {_input} to new short text input with id "description" named "Description" # (1)
set placeholder of {_input} to "Input whatever you want here ..."

set minimum range of {_input} to 1 # Minimum length of the input
set maximum range of {_input} to 30 # Maximum length of the input
set required state of {_input} to true # Whether the input is required or not

add {_input} to rows of {_modal}
  1. You can remove the short keyword to create a longer input (that'll look like a text area)


Great. As you may notice, we can configure the text input with a few properties:

  • The ID, to identify the input once the user send a response
  • The name, displayed at the top of the input
  • The placeholder, displayed when the input is empty
  • The minimum and maximum range of the input (in characters)
  • Whether the input is required or not

Send the modal

A modal can only be sent via an interaction. For instance, a slash command or a button click. Here's some example of its usage:

on slash command:
    event-string is "mycommand"
    set {_modal} to ... # create the modal

    show {_modal} to the user
on button click:
    event-string is "mybutton"
    set {_modal} to ... # create the modal

    show {_modal} to the user


As you may notice, we use the show expression to send the modal. It can be used in any interaction event.

Handling the user's response

Once the user has filled the modal and clicked on the "Submit" button, the bot will receive a on modal receive event:

on modal receive:
    event-string is "unique-id" # (1)
    set {_input} to value of text input with id "description" # (2)
  1. The event-string is the ID of the modal. It's the one configured in the new modal with id expression.
  2. We can get the value of the text input with its ID. This expression can be used anywhere within the event.


Although the modal event is an interaction, you cannot show another modal in it. If you want to show a modal after the user has filled the previous one, you'll need an 'intermediate' interaction (like a dropdown or a button click).