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Slash Commands

Slash Commands are the most enhanced, optimized, and easy way to implement user interactions. Using Discord's API, you'll be able to make commands with arguments where the user will be invited to choose between different values, or maybe their own.

First of all, you must know that there is three type of "containers" for the slash commands:

  • Slash Commands
  • Slash Commands Groups (can be added to a slash command, and can contain subcommands)
  • Subcommands (share the same properties as slash commands, although they cannot have groups)

Let's take a concrete example, and imagine I'm executing these commands:

What does it have? Representation
  • Root command is docs
  • The root have one string argument called name
/docs name:ItsTheSky
  • Root command is snippets
  • Have one sub-command named search
  • The subcommand has one string argument called query
/snippets search query:user

What does a command have?


We'll use the term command here to define both slash & sub commands!

  • Name (used to execute the command, aka /<name>. Only alphanumeric chars)
  • Description (used to recognize the command. Is shown to the client once he selected that command)
  • Up to 25 options (can be of the following type: STRING, INTEGER, BOOLEAN, USER, CHANNEL, ROLE, MENTIONABLE, NUMBER, ATTACHMENT)
  • Possible subcommands or groups

Getting Started

Let's create a sample command with DiSky now. We'll make a slash command named level with one option of user type, here to get the level of a user. If no user is defined, we'll simply manage it through the event-user.


Options can be required or not. If they are not, then you should always think of a fallback value, here, the user who executed the command for example!

# We highly recommend using the 'on ready' section of the bot's structure
# for registering commands!
define bot XXX:
    on ready:

        # We create a new slash command with a name and a description
        set {_level} to new slash command named "level" with description "Check your or other's current level"

        # We add a new user option to the command
        add new user option named "target" with description "The optional target user" to options of {_level}

        # Lastly, we update the command on Discord through the bot
        update {_level} globally in event-bot

If you restart your server, take a look at the slash command menu by typing a /, you should notice that your created command is here and can be executed. However, for now, we never handle the interaction and Discord will warn you that it failed.

on slash command:
    # we get the command's name, representing the command's ID
    set {_name} to event-string

    # let's be sure it's the right command
    if {_name} is "level":

        # we get the value option. remember, it can be null since the option is optional!
        set {_target} to argument "target" as user
        if {_target} is not set:
            set {_target} to event-user

        # i won't make a whole level system here, it's just for the command example
        # we lastly reply with something, that will also acknowledge (= approve) the command.
        reply with "%mention tag of {_target}% is level X"


Options are the arguments of the command. They can be of the following types:

Type Description Support Choices
STRING Accepts Text. Just plain text.
INTEGER Accepts a single integer value.
NUMBER Accepts a single decimal value.
BOOLEAN Accepts either True or False.
CHANNEL Accepts a single guild channel
USER Accepts a single user (not member).
ROLE Accepts a single role.
ATTACHMENT Accepts a single file.

Handling Attachment Options

on slash command:
    if event-string is "upload":
        # Get the attachment
        set {_file} to argument "file" as attachment

        # Check if it's an image
        if attachment {_file} is not an image:
            reply with ":x: **We only accept images!**"

        # Download the file
        download {_file} to path "plugins/DiSky/attachments/file.png"
        reply with "You sent a file named `%file name of {_file}%`"

Using localizations

Requires DiSky v4.3.0

Localizations are value-per-language systems. You will be able to change the command's name and description according to the client's selected language.

You can find a list of locale codes on Discord Docs, and use them on DiSky to provide per-language name and description:

# here we defined the default and fallback name & description
set {_cmd} to new slash command named "level" with description "Check your level"

# We add french derogation for the name and the description
add new locale data for "FR" with value "niveau" to name localizations of {_cmd}
add new locale data for "FR" with value "Voir votre niveau" to description localizations of {_cmd}