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This guide will show you how to use and interact with emojis in your Discord bot using DiSky.


The terms emoji and emote are completely different in Discord:

  • An Emoji is a unicode character, that are built-in in Discord, and can be used by anyone, bots included.
  • An Emote is a custom emoji, that are created by a user in a guild.


As you've read, emotes are guild-specific, thus to difference two emotes with the same name, we use their IDs (the same way we do for users).

Getting and using Emojis

There's only one expression to gather an emojis:

set {_emoji} to reaction "joy" # DiSky will 'translate' it to the unicode character '😂'
set {_emote} to reaction "123456789012345678"

Each IDs are unique, and are the best way to get an emote.


This method is not recommended because of the potential name conflicts and unloaded emotes.

set {_emote} to reaction "Checkmark"

DiSky will try to find an emote from any guild the bot is in, with the name Checkmark.

set {_emote} to reaction "<:Checkmark:123456789012345678>"

In this case, DiSky will split the given string and apply different state of filter to determine the emote. This method can sometime be faster for a lot of emotes.

Now you got your emoji/emote, you can use it in messages (using a mention) or in reactions:

reply with "Hello, I'm using an emoji: {_emoji}" # Will send, for the first case, "Hello, I'm using an emoji: 😂"    
react to {_message} with {_emote}: # where {_message} is a message
    reply with "Oh, someone reacted with an emote!" # Will fire when someone reacts to the message with the given emote    

Super Reactions

To put it simply: bots can't react with super reactions. However, they can do anything else with them, such as getting them, removing them, checking if a user reacted with them, etc.


This is a Discord limitation, and there's nothing we can do about it yet. Maybe it'll come in the near future? Who knows!

Reaction Emotes

Requires DiSky v4.12.2

When the reaction event is fired, you can get the emote that was used to react with, but also some other information: this is called a Reaction Emote.


You can easily get any reaction emote from a reaction event using the event-reaction expression!

There's not a lot of things about them, simply two small things:

You can check if the reaction was added by the bot itself, or not:

if event-reaction is self:
    reply with "Oh, looks like I reacted to my own message!"

You can check if the reaction is a super reaction, or not:

if event-reaction is super:
    reply with "Oh, looks like someone reacted with a super reaction!"


Funny enough, the only 'way' to know if a reaction is a super reaction is by the reaction add event, and this expression!