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DiSkyOAuth Introduction

DiSkyOAuth is a module for DiSky that simplifies Discord OAuth2 authentication integration into your scripts. It allows users to connect to your application through Discord and access their information such as:

  • Profile information (email, Discord subscription type, etc.)
  • Server list
  • Detailed user information

Discord Limitations

Discord's OAuth2 API imposes certain restrictions:

  • Applications must request specific scopes to access certain information
  • Some scopes like email require application verification by Discord
  • Rate limit is 50 requests per second per application
  • Access tokens expire after 7 days
  • Requests must be authenticated with a client ID and client secret


DiSkyOAuth automatically handles:

  • Authentication URL generation
  • Authorization code reception and validation
  • Code for access token exchange
  • User information retrieval
  • Secure token storage

All of this is exposed through a simple and intuitive Skript API.


Server Configuration

DiSkyOAuth starts a local web server to receive Discord's OAuth2 responses. Configuration is done in the plugins/DiSky/modules/DiSkyOAuth/config.yml file:

# The port where the redirect web server will be used. This port
# must be open, free and accessible from the internet!
port: 16334

# The url to redirect in case someone tries to access the root of the server.
# This is useful to redirect users to the support server or the website.
redirect-url: ""

# The full, accessible (so NOT localhost) URL to the server.
# It must also include the port.
# This URL must be added to your Discord application's OAuth2 redirect URIs
server-url: "http://localhost:16334"

Website Customization

DiSkyOAuth provides a default success page that users will see after authentication. You can find and customize these files in:


Feel free to modify the HTML, CSS, and any other assets to match your server's branding.

Available OAuth2 Scopes

Here are the main OAuth2 scopes available from Discord and what information they provide:

Scope Description Returns Suported by DiSkyOAuth
identify Get user info without email username, discriminator, avatar, etc.
email Get user's email email address
guilds List user's guilds list of basic guild objects
guilds.join Add user to a guild requires additional permissions
bot Add bot to servers not useful for OAuth
connections Get linked third-party accounts Twitch, YouTube, etc. Get user's roles and nicknames detailed guild member info
role_connections.write Update user's connection metadata about connection

Verification Requirements

Some scopes like email and guilds.join require your application to be verified by Discord if your bot is in 100+ servers. See the Discord Verification Requirements for more details.

Discord Configuration

  1. Go to the Discord Developer Portal
  2. Create a new application
  3. Note down the Client ID and Client Secret
  4. In the OAuth2 tab:
    • Add your redirect URL (server-url) to the authorized redirections
    • Select the necessary scopes:
      • identify - For basic information
      • email - For email address
      • guilds - For server list

Redirect URL

The redirect URL configured in config.yml must match exactly the one configured on the Discord portal.


  1. Download DiSkyOAuth from DiSky Resources
  2. Place the .jar file in plugins/DiSky/modules/
  3. Restart your server
  4. Configure the config.yml file as shown above


OAuth2 Workflow

    participant U as User
    participant S as MC Server
    participant D as Discord

    U->>S: Request login
    S->>S: Register OAuth client
    S->>U: Generate OAuth URL
    U->>D: Click OAuth URL
    D->>U: Request authorization
    U->>D: Accept
    D->>S: Redirect + code
    S->>D: Exchange code/token
    D->>S: Return tokens
    S->>D: Request info with token
    D->>S: Return user info
    S->>U: Connected!

Complete Example

Here's a complete OAuth2 authentication example:

# OAuth client registration
on load:
    register oauth client named "my-client" with id "CLIENT_ID" with secret "CLIENT_SECRET" with scopes "identify" and "email" using bot "my-bot"

# Command to start auth
discord command login:
        # Generate authentication URL
        set {_url} to oauth url of client "my-client"

        # Send URL to user 
        reply with "Click here to login: %{_url}%"

        # Wait for OAuth response
        wait for oauth request with client "my-client":

            # Get info
            set {_user} to oauth user
            set {_email} to user's email
            set {_premium} to user's premium type

            reply with "**Login successful!**%nl%Email: `%{_email}%`%nl%Type: `%{_premium}%`"

# Global OAuth event
on oauth request:
    broadcast "%event-user% logged in via OAuth!"
    broadcast "Servers: %join user's guilds with ", "%"

Best Practices

  1. Security

    • NEVER share your Client Secret
    • Store tokens securely
    • Always verify required scopes
  2. Error Handling

    • Use try/catch to handle errors
    • Inform users of failures
    • Check logs for issues
  3. Performance

    • Limit API requests
    • Cache user information
    • Don't block the main thread

Available Event Values

When using the on oauth request event, you have access to:

  • event-bot - The bot used for OAuth
  • event-user - The authenticated user
  • user's email - User's email address (requires scope)
  • user's premium type - User's Discord Nitro status
  • user's guilds - List of user's guilds (requires scope)