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TranSkript is only available for Patreons of ItsTheSky.

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This module will provide support for Discord(like website generation. You'll be able to re-create and save forever a conversation while including the replies, attachments, colors, references, and much more! It requires Java 16+ and DiSky v4.21.0+

What can be saved?

  • The message's content (formatted, aka bold, italic, etc...)
  • Code blocks/inline code
  • Spoilers/quotes
  • Attachments
  • Embeds
  • Reactions, with their count
  • Referenced message
  • Slash commands
  • Webhook & bot messages
  • Components (buttons)



The following images are not Discord!

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Simple discussion, featuring mentions, role's colors & a bot.

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Several links & their rendering

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Threads/post creation

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There's only one syntax for this module, where you can generate a template according to two contexts:

  • Referencing a channel. The module will retrieve the last 100 messages (that's the max) and create history on them.
  • Referencing specific messages.
set {_channel} to event-channel # can be any messaging channel, including private
generate transcript from channel {_channel} and store it in "plugins/ts.html"

Or, if you have a list of messages:

set {_messages::*} to ... # specify the messages there
generate transcript from messages {_messages::*} and store it in "plugins/ts.html"


When generating a transcript, it will use the default "airy" and dark theme of Discord. You can however enable the compact mode and/or the light theme when generating the template! Here's how to do so:

set {_opts} to new transcript options with compact mode # just compact mode
set {_opts} to new transcript options with light theme # just light theme
set {_opts} to new transcript options with compact mode and light theme # both

# We specify in the effect the options to use
generate transcript from channel {_channel} with {_opts} and store it in "plugins/ts.html"