Data Structures
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Creation Expression: new embed
Embed Properties
Key | Type | Accepting Type | Optional | Example Value |
title |
Single | String | "Hello World" |
description |
Single | String | "This is a description" |
footer |
Single | String | "This is a footer" |
footer icon |
Single | String (URL) | "" |
thumbnail |
Single | String (URL) | "" |
image |
Single | String (URL) | "" |
color |
Single | Skript color | blue |
url |
Single | String (URL) | "" |
author |
Single | String | "Author Name" |
author url |
Single | String (URL) | "" |
author icon |
Single | String (URL) | "" |
timestamp |
Single | Date | now |
field |
Repeatable | Field | - |
Field Properties
Key | Type | Accepting Type | Optional | Example Value |
name |
Single | String | "Field Name" |
value |
Single | String | "Field Value" |
inline |
Single | Boolean | true |
set {_e} to new embed:
title: "Hello World"
description: "This is a description"
footer: "This is a footer"
footer icon: ""
thumbnail: ""
image: ""
color: blue
url: ""
author: "Author Name"
author url: ""
author icon: ""
timestamp: now
name: "Field Name"
value: "Field Value"
inline: true
Creation Expression: new button
Button Properties
Key | Type | Accepting Type | Optional | Example Value |
style |
Single | ButtonStyle | primary |
emote |
Single | Emote | reaction "👋" |
label |
Single | String | "Click me!" |
url |
Single | String (URL) | "" |
disabled |
Single | Boolean | false |
id |
Single | String | "unique-button-id" |
Validation Rules
- Either
must be present - Either
must be present - If
is set, the button becomes a link button andstyle
is ignored