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User's Avatar Decoration URL

Requires DiSky v4.15.0 Returns string

Get the URL of the user's avatar decoration URL. This will return none if the user doesn't have a decoration selected.

discord command decorations [<user>]:
    prefixes: ?
        set {_dec} to avatar decoration of arg-1
        if {_dec} is not set:
            reply with ":x: **Error:** You do not have an avatar decoration."

        make embed and store it in {_e}:
            set title of embed to "Your avatar decoration"
            set embed color of embed to orange
            set image of embed to {_dec}
        reply with {_e}
[the] [user] (decoration[s] avatar|avatar decoration[s]) of %user%
%user%'[s] [user] (decoration[s] avatar|avatar decoration[s])

Discord Command Argument

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns object

Works same as Skript's command argument. You can specify the argument number or the argument type (in case there's only one user or member for example) to get the selected value.

set {_args} last arguments
set {_args} last args
[][the] last arg[ument][s]
[][the] arg[ument][s](-| )<(\d+)>
[][the] <(\d*1)st|(\d*2)nd|(\d*3)rd|(\d*[4-90])th> arg[ument][s]
[][the] arg[ument][s]
[][the] %*classinfo%( |-)arg[ument][( |-)<\d+>]
[][the] arg[ument]( |-)%*classinfo%[( |-)<\d+>]

Used Alias

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

Return the used alias in a discord command trigger section. It can only be used here, and will throw an error if not.

set {_alias} to the used alias
[the] use[d]( |-)alias[es]

Used Argument

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

Return the plain formatter of the discord command's argument You should however use (arg-1) for example which will return the argument value directly. This is intended to be for test purpose only, and therefore only return a String formatted containing every used arguments.

set {_args} to the used arguments
[the] use[d]( |-)arg[ument][s]

Used Prefix

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

Return the used prefix in a discord command trigger section.

set {_p} to the used prefix
[the] use[d]( |-)prefix[es]


Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns slashchoice

No description provided.

[all] [the] [option] choices of %slashoption%
[all] [the] %slashoption%'[s] [option] choices

Sub-command Groups

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns slashcommandgroup

Represent every sub-slash-command groups a slash command have. You can add sub-slash-commands to a group, then add this group into the base slash command.

No examples provided.
[all] [the] sub[[( |-)]command[s]] group[s] of %slashcommand%
[all] [the] %slashcommand%'[s] sub[[( |-)]command[s]] group[s]

Group / Command Sub-Commands

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns subslashcommand

Represent every sub-slash-command a slash-command or a group have. You can add sub-slash-commands to a group or a core slash-command, then add this group into the base slash command.

No examples provided.
[all] [the] sub[( |-)]command[s] of %slashcommandgroup/slashcommand%
[all] [the] %slashcommandgroup/slashcommand%'[s] sub[( |-)]command[s]

New Button

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns button

Create a new button with an ID and some optional options. It can be either enabled or disabled, and either link or action. If the button is a link-type, then the ID will be the URL that the user will be redirect to.

set {_btn} to new enabled danger button with id "button-id" named "Hello world :p"
[a] new [(enabled|disabled)] %buttonstyle% [link] button [with (id|url)] %string% [(named|with label) %-string%][,] [with [emoji] %-emote%]

New Components Row

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns row

Create a new (empty) components row. You can add either max 5 buttons or one dropdown to it. A single message can hold 5 components rows.

make new component row and store it in {_row}:
    add new success button with id "btn-2" named "Green lands!" with reaction "smile" to components of the row builder
    add new link button with id "" named "DiSky's Discord" to components of the row builder
add {_row} to rows of the message
[a] new component[s] row

New Dropdown Option

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns selectoption

Create a new dropdown option with different properties. This is a predefined option holding a string value. It can only be used in string dropdowns. The value represent the returned string that this dropdown will return if this option is selected. The name / label is the actual shown name on the option. Description and emote are optional.

add new option with value "one" named "One!" with description "Click to select" with reaction "sparkles" to options of {_dp}
add new option with value "two" named "Two!?" with description "Click to select" with reaction "sparkles" to options of {_dp}
add new option with value "three" named "THREE!!!" with description "Click to select" with reaction "sparkles" to options of {_dp}
[a] new [default] [dropdown] option with value %string% (named|with label) %-string% [with description [%-string%]] [with [emoji] %-emote%]

Command Localization

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns object

Represents the localization of the name or the description of a slash/sub command. You can add Locale Data (check for expression) to them. Basically, the command's name & description will be according to the client's language code.

For more information, check the dedicated wiki page!

See the dedicated wiki page for examples.

[all] [the] (name|description)['s] (localization[s]|locale[s]) of %slashcommand/subslashcommand%
[all] [the] %slashcommand/subslashcommand%'[s] (name|description)['s] (localization[s]|locale[s])


Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns object

No description provided.

No examples provided.
[all] [the] option[s] [mapping[s]] of %slashcommand/subslashcommand/dropdown%
[all] [the] %slashcommand/subslashcommand/dropdown%'[s] option[s] [mapping[s]]

Selected Dropdown Values

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns object

The list of the selected entities, in the current entity dropdown update event.

if "%selected value%" is "login":
select[ed] entit(y|ies)

Selected Values

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

The list of the selected values' IDs, in the current dropdown update event.

selected values
select[ed] value[s]

Emoji / Emote

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns emote

Get an emoji or an emote from its name, ID or unicode.

  • An emoji is discord-side only, can be used everywhere, and don't have any attached guild.
  • An emote is guild-side only, have a custom long ID and are attached to a guild.

If the specified reaction doesn't exist, DiSky will simply return null and say it in console. We highly recommend the specification of the guild when retrieving an emote, to avoid conflicts with other that potentially have the same name.

Check the dedicated wiki page for more information!

reaction "joy"
emoji "sparkles"
emote "disky" in event-guild
(emoji|emote|reaction)[s] %strings% [(from|in) %-guild%]

Last DiSky Exception

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

Return the last occurred DiSky or Discord exception in the current event. This expression is event-based, means you cannot get the last error that happened on another event. Once this has been called, it will remove the returned value from the errors list to avoid having two times the same error message.

if last disky exception is set: # an error occurred
[the] last (disky|discord) (error|exception)

Bot Guilds

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns guild

No description provided.

set {_guilds::*} to guilds of event-bot
[all] [the] guilds of %bot%
[all] [the] %bot%'[s] guilds

Bot Presences

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns activity

No description provided.

set the presence of the bot named "BOTNAME" to listening "with feelings"
set the presence of the bot named "BOTNAME" to watching "over the"
set the presence of the bot named "BOTNAME" to playing "with the API"
set the presence of the bot named "BOTNAME" to streaming "with the API" with the url ""
set the presence of the bot named "BOTNAME" to competing "with the API"
listening [to] %string%
watching [to] %string%
playing [to] %string%
streaming [to] %string% with [the] url %string%
competing [to] %string%

Channel of Category

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns textchannel

No description provided.

set {_channels::*} to channels of event-category
set {_channels::*} to channels of category with id "0000"
[all] [the] [discord] channel[s] of %category%
[all] [the] %category%'[s] [discord] channel[s]

Voice Channel Members

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns member

The list of members that are connected to this actual voice channel.

audio members of event-channel
voice members of voice channel with id "0000"
[all] [the] (audio|stage|voice) member[s] [list] of %voicechannel%
[all] [the] %voicechannel%'[s] (audio|stage|voice) member[s] [list]

Threads of Channel / Guild

Requires DiSky v4.0.0, 4.4.4 (threads of forum channel) Returns threadchannel

Gets the threads of a specific forum/text channel or a guild.

threads of event-guild
[all] [the] threads of %forumchannel/textchannel/guild%
[all] [the] %forumchannel/textchannel/guild%'[s] threads

New Category Action

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns channelaction

No description provided.

set {_action} to new category action in event-guild
set channel name of {_action} to "Dog"
create {_action} and store it in {_category}
[a] new category (action|manager) in [the] [guild] %guild% [(using|with) [the] [bot] %-bot%]

New News Channel Action

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns channelaction

No description provided.

set {_action} to new news channel action in event-guild
set channel parent of {_action} to {_category}
set channel name of {_action} to "News"

create {_action} and store it in {_text}
[a] new news[( |-)]channel (action|manager) in [the] [guild] %guild% [(using|with) [the] [bot] %-bot%]

New Stage Channel Action

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns channelaction

No description provided.

set {_action} to new stage channel action in event-guild
set channel parent of {_action} to {_category}
set channel name of {_action} to "Stage"

create {_action} and store it in {_text}
[a] new stage[( |-)]channel (action|manager) in [the] [guild] %guild% [(using|with) [the] [bot] %-bot%]

New Text Channel Action

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns channelaction

No description provided.

set {_action} to new text channel action in event-guild
set channel parent of {_action} to {_category}
set channel name of {_action} to "Text"

create {_action} and store it in {_text}
[a] new text[( |-)]channel (action|manager) in [the] [guild] %guild% [(using|with) [the] [bot] %-bot%]

New Voice Channel Action

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns channelaction

No description provided.

set {_action} to new voice channel action in event-guild
set channel parent of {_action} to {_category}
set channel name of {_action} to "Voice"
set max users of {_action} to 5

create {_action} and store it in {_voice}
[a] new voice[( |-)]channel (action|manager) in [the] [guild] %guild% [(using|with) [the] [bot] %-bot%]

Discord Members of Guild / Channel

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns member

Returns a list of members. For Message text-related channel & category, it returns members with permission to view the channel For Audio Channels it returns the currently connected members of the channel. For threads & posts, it returns the members who are in the thread. You can add or remove a member in this case.

members of event-channel
members of voice channel with id "0000"
add event-member to discord members of thread channel with id "000"
[all] [the] discord member[s] [list] of %guildchannel/guild/threadchannel%
[all] [the] %guildchannel/guild/threadchannel%'[s] discord member[s] [list]

Guild / Member Roles

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns role

Represent the roles that a guild or a member currently have. Can be changed, SET and ADD ChangeMode can be used when passing a member. To modify guild's roles, check delete and create role effects.

add role with id "000" to roles of event-member
remove event-role from roles of event-member
reply with "Amount of roles in the guild: %size of roles of event-guild%"
[all] [the] roles of %guild/member%
[all] [the] %guild/member%'[s] roles

Last Embed

Requires DiSky v1.0 Returns embedbuilder

This expression returns the last generated embed using the embed builder.

reply with {_embed}
reply with last embed
[the] [last] [(made|created|generated)] embed

Guild Boosters

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns member

Represent the current members booster of the guild.

reply with "Boosters: %boosters of event-guild%!"
[all] [the] [guild] booster[s] [member[s]] of %guild%
[all] [the] %guild%'[s] [guild] booster[s] [member[s]]

All Guild Guild Channels

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns guildchannel

Get every guild channel in the guild, including text, voice, stage, news, and thread channels.

guild channels of event-guild
[all] [the] [guild] [all] guild[( |-)]channels of %guild%
[all] [the] %guild%'[s] [guild] [all] guild[( |-)]channels

Guild News Channels

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns newschannel

Gets all news channels of a guild.

all news channels of event-guild
[all] [the] [guild] [all] news[( |-)]channels of %guild%
[all] [the] %guild%'[s] [guild] [all] news[( |-)]channels

All Guild Scheduled Events

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns scheduledevent

Returns all scheduled events of a guild.

all scheduled events of event-guild
[all] [the] [guild] [all] scheduled events of %guild%
[all] [the] %guild%'[s] [guild] [all] scheduled events

All Guild Stage Channels

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns stagechannel

Returns all stage channels of a guild.

all stage channels of event-guild
[all] [the] [guild] [all] stage[( |-)]channels of %guild%
[all] [the] %guild%'[s] [guild] [all] stage[( |-)]channels

All Guild Text Channels

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns textchannel

Returns all text channels of a guild.

all text channels of event-guild
[all] [the] [guild] [all] text[( |-)]channels of %guild%
[all] [the] %guild%'[s] [guild] [all] text[( |-)]channels

Guild Voice Channels

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns oicechannel

Gets all voice channels of a guild.

all voice channels of event-guild
[all] [the] [guild] [all] voice[( |-)]channels of %guild%
[all] [the] %guild%'[s] [guild] [all] voice[( |-)]channels

Message Attachment

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns attachment

Get every attachment as custom object of a message

attachments of event-message
[all] [the] [discord] [message] attachment[s] of %message%
[all] [the] %message%'[s] [discord] [message] attachment[s]

Message Embeds

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns embedbuilder

Get every embeds of a specific messages. Keep in mind only webhook are allowed to send more than one embed!

embeds of event-message
[all] [the] [discord] [message] embeds of %message%
[all] [the] %message%'[s] [discord] [message] embeds

Message Text Channels

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns textchannel

Get every mentioned text channels in a message.

mentioned text channels of event-message
[all] [the] [discord] [message] mentioned text channels of %message%
[all] [the] %message%'[s] [discord] [message] mentioned text channels

Message Emotes

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns emote

Get every mentioned emotes in a message. This will only return custom emote, and will therefore not include discord emotes.

mentioned emotes of event-message
[all] [the] [discord] [message] mentioned emote[s] of %message%
[all] [the] %message%'[s] [discord] [message] mentioned emote[s]

Message Mentioned Members

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns member

Get every mentioned members in a message. If the message doesn't come from a guild it will return an empty array!

mentioned members of event-message
[all] [the] [discord] [message] mentioned members of %message%
[all] [the] %message%'[s] [discord] [message] mentioned members

Message Mentioned Roles

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns role

Get every mentioned Roles in a message. If the message doesn't come from a guild it will return an empty array!

mentioned roles of event-message
[all] [the] [discord] [message] mentioned roles of %message%
[all] [the] %message%'[s] [discord] [message] mentioned roles

Message Mentioned Users

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns user

Get every mentioned users in a message.

mentioned users of event-message
[all] [the] [discord] [message] mentioned users of %message%
[all] [the] %message%'[s] [discord] [message] mentioned users

Message Voice Channels

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns oicechannel

Get every mentioned voice channels in a message.

mentioned voice channels of event-message
[all] [the] [discord] [message] mentioned voice channels of %message%
[all] [the] %message%'[s] [discord] [message] mentioned voice channels

Message Reactions

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns emote

Get every reactions of a message. Because of Discord's limitation, we cannot get which user reacted with which reaction, you'll have to count them yourself.

reactions of event-message
[all] [the] [discord] [message] (emo(te|ji)|reaction)[s] of %message%
[all] [the] %message%'[s] [discord] [message] (emo(te|ji)|reaction)[s]

New Role Action

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns roleaction

No description provided.

set {_action} to new role action in event-guild
set role name of {_action} to "Member"

create {_action} and store it in {_role}
[a] new role (action|manager) in [the] [guild] %guild% [(using|with) [the] [bot] %-bot%]

Get Tag

Requires DiSky v4.4.4 Returns forumtag

Get a tag from a forum channel using its name.

tag named "v4" from forum channel with id "000"
[forum] tag ((from|with) name|named) %string% (of|from|in) %forumchannel%

New Forum Tag

Requires DiSky v4.4.4 Returns object

Create a new forum tag with a specific name & optional emoji. You can also specify if the tag is 'moderate' or not.

new forum tag named "solved" with reaction "white_check_mark"
new moderated forum tag named "internal"
new [forum] tag [named] %string% [with %-emote%]
new moderated [forum] tag [named] %string% [with %-emote%]

Post / Forum Tags

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns object

Get all tags of a forum channel or a thread channel. You can also add or remove tags from a thread channel using this expression. You must add the tag to the forum itself before adding it to the post.

set {_tags::*} to tags of event-forumchannel
add new tag named "resolved" with reaction "x" to tags of forum with id "000"

```applescript [all] [the] tags of %threadchannel/forumchannel% [all] [the] %threadchannel/forumchannel%'[s] tags

Parent Channel of Thread

Requires DiSky v4.13.0 Returns guildchannel

Get the parent channel of a thread channel. It can return a text, news or forum channel.

set {_parent} to thread parent of event-thread
[the] thread parent [channel] of %guildchannel%
%guildchannel%'[s] thread parent [channel]

Guild Bot's Role

Requires DiSky v4.16.0 Returns role

Get the bot's specific role for a given guild. Each bot has a specific role in each guild it is in, to define its permissions and restrictions.

set {_role} to bot role of event-guild
[the] [guild] bot role of %guild%
[the] %guild%'[s] [guild] bot role

Guild Boost Tier

Requires DiSky v4.16.0 Returns string Can't be set to anything

Get the boost tier of a guild, according to the number of boosts it has. It can return the following values:

Returns Description Max Bitrate Max Emojis
None No boost (or only one) 96kbps 50
Tier 1 2 boosts 128kbps 100
Tier 2 7 boosts 256kbps 150
Tier 3 14 boosts 384kbps 250
set {_tier} to boost tier of event-guild
[the] [guild] boost[(ing|er)] tier of %guild%
[the] %guild%'[s] [guild] boost[(ing|er)] tier

User Badges

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string Can't be set to anything

Represent every badges' name a user have. This does not and cannot contain any intro-related badges (nitro membership or nitro boosting), it needs OAuth2 to be enabled.

reply with "Whoa! You got all of them? %join badges of event-user with nl%"
[all] [the] [user] badge[s] of %user%
[all] [the] %user%'[s] [user] badge[s]

User Mutual Guilds

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns guild Can't be set to anything

Represent every guild that the bot and the user have in common.

reply with "Oh boi, we have %size of mutual guilds event-user% mutual guilds!"
[all] [the] [user] mutual[s] guild[s] of %user%
[all] [the] %user%'[s] [user] mutual[s] guild[s]

Last Row Builder

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns row

Represents the last row builder created within a section.

No examples provided.
[the] [last] row [builder]

Row Builder Components

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns object

Components of a row builder See also: 'Create (rich) Message'

No examples provided.
[all] [the] component[s] of %row%
[all] [the] %row%'[s] component[s]

Last Message Builder

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns messagecreatebuilder

Represents the last message builder created within a section.

No examples provided.
[the] [last] message [builder]

Message Builder Attachments

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns object

Attachments of a message builder Supports SkImage's images if the addon is installed. See also: 'Create (rich) Message'

add "plugins/Skript/scripts/" to the attachments of the message
[all] [the] (attachment|image)[s] of %messagecreatebuilder%
[all] [the] %messagecreatebuilder%'[s] (attachment|image)[s]

Message Builder Embeds

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns embedbuilder

Embeds of a message builder See also: 'Create (rich) Message'

add last embed to the embeds of the message
[all] [the] embed[s] of %messagecreatebuilder%
[all] [the] %messagecreatebuilder%'[s] embed[s]

Message Builder Component Rows

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns object

Component rows of a message builder See also: 'Creator Components Row'

add {_row} to rows of the message
[all] [the] [component[s]] row[s] of %messagecreatebuilder/modal%
[all] [the] %messagecreatebuilder/modal%'[s] [component[s]] row[s]

New Message Command

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns object

Create a new message command, to be updated on discord later. This will create a context command of MESSAGE type. Once created, you can execute it by right-clicking on a message, then going in 'Applications' ->

new message command named "Warn Message"
[a] [new] message[( |-)]command [with] [(the name|named)] %string%

New Option Choice

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns slashchoice

Create a new slash command option choice with an unique name and a string or number value. Choices are only available for STRING, NUMBER and INTEGER slash command option type. Of course, the provided value type must be compatible with the option type (you cannot add string choice to a NUMBER option).

add new choice named "Example choice" with value 100 to choices of {_option} # it's a NUMBER option
[a] new [option] choice [(named|with name)] %string% with [the] value %string/number%

New Slash Command

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns object

Create a new Slash Command builder, where you'll be able to add options, subcommands, etc... For a more detailed guide, take a look at this tutorial.

Check the tutorial for a complete example: Slash Commands

[a] [new] [nsfw] slash[( |-)]command [with] [(the name|named)] %string% [and] with [the] desc[ription] %string%
[a] [new] sub [slash][( |-)]command [with] [(the name|named)] %string% [and] with [the] desc[ription] %string%
[a] [new] [slash][( |-)][command] group [with] [(the name|named)] %string% [and] with [the] desc[ription] %string%


Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns slashoption

No description provided.

No examples provided.
[a] [new] [slash[( |-)]command] [(1�required)] [(2�auto[( |-)]complete)] %optiontype% option [(named|with name)] %string% with [the] desc[ription] %string%

New User Command

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns object

Create a new user command, to be updated on discord later. This will create a context command of USER type. Once created, you can execute it by right-clicking on a user, then going in 'Applications' ->

new user command named "Warn User"
[a] [new] user[( |-)]command [with] [(the name|named)] %string%

New Dropdown

Requires DiSky v4.6.0 Returns dropdown

Create a new dropdown menu with different properties. There's two type of dropdown available: - String, only text values are accepted & pre-defined - Entity, only the specified entity type (role, channel and/or user) are accepted Therefore, you cannot add user, channel or role to a string dropdown and vice-versa. For entity dropdown, you can accept each type independently, or mix roles & users. âš  YOU CANNOT MIX CHANNELS WITH ROLES OR USERS! === "Examples"

new dropdown with id "string" # Default string dropdown
new entity dropdown with id "entities" targeting "user" and "role" # Only user and role are accepted
new entity dropdown with id "channels" targeting "channel" # Only channel are accepted
[a] [new] [string] drop[( |-)]down [with] [the] [id] %string%
[a] [new] entit(y|ies) drop[( |-)]down [with] [the] [id] %string% targeting %strings%

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns textinput

No description provided.

set {_input} to new short text input with id "description" named "Description"
set {_input} to new text input with id "description" named "Description"
[a] [new] text[( |-)]input [with] [the] [id] %string% (named|with name) %string%
[a] [new] short text[( |-)]input [with] [the] [id] %string% (named|with name) %string%

New Modal

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns modal

No description provided.

set {_modal} to a new modal with id "unique-id" named "My modal"
[a] [new] modal [with] [the] [id] %string% (named|with name) %string%

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns object

Get the current value(s) of a sent component, currently only working in modals with text input & select menus. You have to precise what type of component you are trying to get, either 'textinput' or 'dropdown'.

values of dropdown with id "XXX"
value of textinput with id "XXX"
[the] [current] value[s] of [the] (1�text[( |-)]input|2�drop[( |-)]down) [with [the] id] %string%

New Locale Data

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns object

Returns the a new locale data for the given locale and the given value. You have to provide the locale using its code (list can be found here: and the value to set. Documentation:

new locale data for "FR" as "niveau"
new local[e] [data] for %string% (as|with [value]) %string%

Target Message

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns message

Represent the target message in a message command event. It basically represent the message that was clicked on.

target message
[the] target message

Slash Command Argument

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns object

Represents a slash command argument. The name is the ID used when defining the slash command. Specify the type, so that Skript can parse it correctly. (if it's a number, operation wil be allowed for example) The type should be the same used when defining the argument in the command.

# I'm doing /ban time:30 user:*user id*, so:
set {_time} to argument "time" as integer
set {_user} to argument "user" as user
[the] arg[ument] [(named|with name)] %string% as %optiontype%

Slash Command Argument

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns object

Represents a slash command argument. The name is the ID used when defining the slash command. Specify the type, so that Skript can parse it correctly. (if it's a number, operation wil be allowed for example) The type should be the same used when defining the argument in the command.

# I'm doing /ban time:30 user:*user id*, so:
set {_time} to argument "time" as integer
set {_user} to argument "user" as user
[the] arg[ument] [(named|with name)] %string% as %optiontype%

Current Argument

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

The current argument being completed.

current argument
current( |-)arg[ument] [name]

Target User

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns user

Represent the target user in a user command event. It basically represent the user that was clicked on.

target user
[the] target user

Get Audio Channel

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns audiochannel

This is an utility expression. It will returns an Audio Channel out of the provided ID. It will returns either the voice or stage channel corresponding to the provided ID. This expression cannot be changed.

audio channel with id "000"
audio channel (with|from) [the] id %string% [(with|using) [the] bot [(named|with name)] %-bot%]

Get Bot / Bot Named X

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns bot

Get a cached bot from DiSky using its unique name. If the desired bot does not exist or is not loaded yet, this expression will return none. This expression cannot be changed.

get bot "name"
bot named "name"
[get] [the] bot [(named|with name)] %string%

Get Category

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns category

Get a category from a guild using its unique ID. Categories are global on discord, means different categories cannot have the same ID. This expression cannot be changed.

category with id "000"
category (with|from) [the] id %string% [(with|using) [the] bot [(named|with name)] %-bot%]

Get Channel

Requires DiSky v4.4.2 Returns channel

A generic expression to get any channel from its ID. This can return a text, private, news, voice, category, stage, thread or post channel.

post last embed to channel with id "000"
channel (with|from) [the] id %string% [(with|using) [the] bot [(named|with name)] %-bot%]

Get Forum Channel

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns forumchannel

Get a forum channel from a guild using its unique ID. Channels are global on discord, means different forum channels cannot have the same ID. This expression cannot be changed.

forum channel with id "000"
forum channel (with|from) [the] id %string% [(with|using) [the] bot [(named|with name)] %-bot%]

Get Guild

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns guild

Get a guild from a guild using its unique ID. This expression cannot be changed.

guild with id "000"
guild (with|from) [the] id %string% [(with|using) [the] bot [(named|with name)] %-bot%]

Get Channel

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns guildchannel

Get a channel from a guild using its unique ID. Channels are global on discord, means different channels cannot have the same ID. This expression cannot be changed.

guild channel with id "000"
guild channel (with|from) [the] id %string% [(with|using) [the] bot [(named|with name)] %-bot%]

Get Member

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns member

Get a cached member from its unique ID This expression could return null, according to if the actual member was cached or not. To be sure it will return the corresponding member, use the retrieve member effect. This expression cannot be changed

member with id "000" in event-guild
[get] [the] member with id %string% (from|in|of) [the] [guild] %guild%

Get Message Channel

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns object

This is an utility expression. It will returns a Message Channel (text, news or thread) out of the provided ID. This expression cannot be changed.

message channel with id "000"
message channel (with|from) [the] id %string% [(with|using) [the] bot [(named|with name)] %-bot%]

Get News Channel

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns newschannel

Get a news channel from a guild using its unique ID. Channels are global on discord, means different channels cannot have the same ID. This expression cannot be changed.

news channel with id "000"
news channel (with|from) [the] id %string% [(with|using) [the] bot [(named|with name)] %-bot%]

Attachment Duration

Requires DiSky v4.12.0 Returns timespan

Get the duration of the voice message attachment. You should check before if the attachment is an audio file using the attachment is audio expression.


This expression will only work with voice message audio, and not all audio files!

discord command vocal [<string>]:
prefixes: !
    retrieve message with id arg-1 in event-channel and store it in {_msg}
    loop {_msg}'s attachments:
        set {_att} to loop-value
        if {_att} is audio:
            reply with "It's %duration of {_att}% long!"

    reply with "This message is not a voice message!"
[the] [discord] duration of %attachment%
%attachment%'[s] [discord] duration

Member Flags

Requires DiSky v4.12.0 Returns memberflags

Get or change member flags of a specific member. Some of these flags cannot be added/removed manually!

set {_flags::*} to member flags of event-member
[all] [the] [member] [discord] flag[s] of %member%
[all] [the] %member%'[s] [discord] flag[s]

Get Role

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns role

Get a role from a guild using its unique ID. Role are global on discord, means two role from two different guild could never have the same ID. This expression cannot be changed.

role with id "000"
role (with|from) [the] id %string% [(with|using) [the] bot [(named|with name)] %-bot%]

Get Scheduled Event

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns scheduledevent

Get a scheduled event from a guild using its unique ID. Scheduled events are global on discord, means different scheduled events cannot have the same ID. This expression cannot be changed.

scheduled event with id "000"
scheduled event (with|from) [the] id %string% [(with|using) [the] bot [(named|with name)] %-bot%]

Get Stage Channel

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns stagechannel

Get a stage channel from a guild using its unique ID. Channels are global on discord, means different channels cannot have the same ID. This expression cannot be changed.

stage channel with id "000"
stage channel (with|from) [the] id %string% [(with|using) [the] bot [(named|with name)] %-bot%]

Get Sticker

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns sticker

Get a cached sticker from its per-guild name This expression is here to get a sticker from its name. If you success to get a sticker's ID, use the retrieve sticker effect instead! This expression cannot be changed

sticker with named "meliodas" from event-guild
[get] [the] sticker (with name|named) %string% (from|in|of) [the] [guild] %guild%

Get Text Channel

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns textchannel

Get a text channel from a guild using its unique ID. Channels are global on discord, means different text channels cannot have the same ID. This expression cannot be changed.

text channel with id "000"
text channel (with|from) [the] id %string% [(with|using) [the] bot [(named|with name)] %-bot%]

Get Thread Channel

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns threadchannel

Get a thread channel from a guild using its unique ID. Threads are global on discord, means different threads cannot have the same ID. This expression cannot be changed.

thread with id "000"
thread [channel] (with|from) [the] id %string% [(with|using) [the] bot [(named|with name)] %-bot%]

Get User

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns textchannel

No description provided.

user with id "Id_Here"
user (with|from) [the] id %string% [(with|using) [the] bot [(named|with name)] %-bot%]

User in Guild

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns member

Get the member related to the specified user in a specific guild. Users are common to whole Discord, two user cannot have the same instance. Members are common to guilds, but also holding an user as reference. User can have multiple instance according to which guild they are in, therefore they are considered as member.

user with id "000" in guild with id "000"
%user% in [the] [guild] %guild%

Get Voice Channel

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns oicechannel

Get a voice channel from a guild using its unique ID. Channels are global on discord, means different channels cannot have the same ID. This expression cannot be changed.

voice channel with id "000"
voice channel (with|from) [the] id %string% [(with|using) [the] bot [(named|with name)] %-bot%]

Discord Permissions Of

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns permission

Get or change the permissions of a specific member or role in an optional channel.

add (manage server) to permissions of event-member in event-channel
remove (administrator) from permissions of event-role
permissions of %member/role% [in %-channel%]

User Locale

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

Get the language code defined as user-side client of Discord. Basically, return the language user's client is loaded in. This expression only works in interactions event, and cannot be used outside of them.

the user locale
[the] user['s] local[e] [(code|language)]

Inline Rich Message Builder

Requires DiSky v4.4.1, 4.4.3 (component-only) Returns messagecreatebuilder

Create a new rich message in one line only. WARNING: This could slow a lot the Skript's parsing time if used too many times! We still recommend to use the create message section instead! You can also use the second pattern to send component-only messages.

reply with message "hello world" with embed last embed with components {_row}
post components new danger button with id "id" named "Hey" to event-channel
[rich] [:silent] message %string/embedbuilder% [with embed[s] %-embedbuilders%] [with (component[s]|row[s]) %-rows/buttons/dropdowns%] [with (file|attachment)[s] %-strings%]
rich [:silent] component[s] %rows/buttons/dropdowns%

Logged User

Requires DiSky v4.11.0 Returns user

The user who triggered the log entry.

logged user of event-logentry
[the] log[ged] (user|author) of %logentry%
%logentry%'[s] log[ged] (user|author)

Logged Guild

Requires DiSky v4.11.0 Returns guild

The guild where the log entry has been triggered.

logged guild of event-logentry
[the] log[ged] guild of %logentry%
%logentry%'[s] log[ged] guild

Logged ID

Requires DiSky v4.11.0 Returns string

The ID of the log entry.

logged id of event-logentry
[the] log[ged] id of %logentry%
%logentry%'[s] log[ged] id

Logged Action

Requires DiSky v4.11.0 Returns object

The action type of the log entry.

logged action of event-logentry
[the] log[ged] action [type] of %logentry%
%logentry%'[s] log[ged] action [type]

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns number

No description provided.

# Modal
set maximum range of {_input} to 30 # Maximum length of the input

# Dropdown
set max range of {_dp} to 2
[the] max[imum] range of %dropdown/textinput%
%dropdown/textinput%'[s] max[imum] range

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns number

No description provided.

# Modal
set minimum range of {_input} to 30 # Maximum length of the input

# Dropdown
set min range of {_dp} to 2
[the] min[imum] range of %dropdown/textinput%
%dropdown/textinput%'[s] min[imum] range

Placeholder of Dropdown/Modal Text Input

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

No description provided.

# Modal
set placeholder of {_input} to "Input whatever you want here ..."

# Dropdown
set placeholder of {_dp} to "Select a role ..."
[the] [discord] place[( |-)]holder of %dropdown/textinput%
%dropdown/textinput%'[s] [discord] place[( |-)]holder

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns boolean

No description provided.

set required state of {_input} to true # Whether the input is required or not
[the] require[d] state of %textinput%
%textinput%'[s] require[d] state

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

No description provided.

set default value of {_input} to "This is a default value"
[the] [default] value of %textinput%
%textinput%'[s] [default] value

Color from Hex

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns color

Get a color from a hexadecimal string. Do not include the # in the string.

set embed color of embed to hex "ff0000"
[the] (hex|color) %string%


Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns emote

No description provided.

No examples provided.
[the] activity emo(ji|te) of %activity%
%activity%'[s] activity emo(ji|te)


Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

No description provided.

No examples provided.
[the] activity (text|content|name) of %activity%
%activity%'[s] activity (text|content|name)


Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

No description provided.

No examples provided.
[the] activity type of %activity%
%activity%'[s] activity type


Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

No description provided.

No examples provided.
[the] activity ur(i|l) of %activity%
%activity%'[s] activity ur(i|l)

Attachments File Extension

Requires DiSky v1.7 Returns string

Get the file extension of an attachment.

No examples provided.
[the] [discord] file ext[ension] of %attachment%
%attachment%'[s] [discord] file ext[ension]

Attachments File Name

Requires DiSky v1.7 Returns string

Get the file name of an attachment.

No examples provided.
[the] [discord] file name of %attachment%
%attachment%'[s] [discord] file name

Attachments URL

Requires DiSky v1.7 Returns string

Get the url of an attachment.

No examples provided.
[the] [discord] [attachment] ur(l|i) of %attachment%
%attachment%'[s] [discord] [attachment] ur(l|i)

User / Bot / Guild Avatar

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

Return the avatar URL of any user, guild or bot. This can be changed for guilds and bots only!

avatar of event-guild
avatar of event-user
[the] avatar [url] of %guild/user/sticker/member/bot%
%guild/user/sticker/member/bot%'[s] avatar [url]

Ban Reason

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

The optional reason which say why the user of this ban was banned.

No examples provided.
[the] [ban[ned]] reason of %ban%
%ban%'[s] [ban[ned]] reason

Ban User

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns user

The user linked to this ban.

No examples provided.
[the] [banned] user of %ban%
%ban%'[s] [banned] user

Bot Name

Deprecated: removed since DiSky v4.18.0

Use discord name to have the same behavior.

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

No description provided.

set {_name} to bot name of event-bot
[the] [discord] bot name of %bot%
%bot%'[s] [discord] bot name

Bot Ping

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns number

No description provided.

set {_ping} to bot ping of event-bot
[the] [discord] bot ping of %bot%
%bot%'[s] [discord] bot ping

Bot Presence

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns activity

No description provided.

set {_presence} to presence of event-bot
[the] [discord] presence of %bot%
%bot%'[s] [discord] presence


Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns onlinestatus

No description provided.

No examples provided.
[the] [discord] [online] status of %bot/member%
%bot/member%'[s] [discord] [online] status

Bot Token

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

No description provided.

set {_token} to bot token of event-bot
[the] [discord] bot token of %bot%
%bot%'[s] [discord] bot token

Bot Uptime

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns timespan

No description provided.

set {_uptime} to bot uptime of event-bot
[the] [discord] [bot] uptime of %bot%
%bot%'[s] [discord] [bot] uptime

Bot Self Member

Requires DiSky v4.9.0 Returns member

Get the self member instance of a bot, in a specific guild.

self member of event-bot in event-guild
self member of bot "name"
[the] self [member] of [the] [bot] %bot% [in [the] [guild] %guild%]
[the] [bot] %bot%'s self [member] [in [the] [guild] %guild%]

Channel Bitrate

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns number

No description provided.

set {_bitrate} to bitrate of event-channel
[the] [channel] bitrate of %channel/channelaction%
%channel/channelaction%'[s] [channel] bitrate

Channel Jump URL

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

Returns the jump-to URL for this channel. Clicking this URL in the Discord client will cause the client to jump to the specified channel.

reply with channel url of event-channel
[the] channel [jump] url of %channel%
%channel%'[s] channel [jump] url

Channel Max User

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns number

No description provided.

set {_max} to max user of event-channel
[the] [channel] max[imum] user[s] of %channel/channelaction%
%channel/channelaction%'[s] [channel] max[imum] user[s]

Channel Name

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

No description provided.

set {_name} to channel name of event-channel
set channel name of event-channel to "new name"
[the] channel name of %channel/channelaction%
%channel/channelaction%'[s] channel name

Channel NSFW

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns boolean

No description provided.

No examples provided.
[the] [channel] nsfw of %channel/channelaction%
%channel/channelaction%'[s] [channel] nsfw

Channel Parent

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns category

No description provided.

set {_parent} to parent of event-channel
[the] [channel] parent of %channel/channelaction%
%channel/channelaction%'[s] [channel] parent

Voice Channel Status

Requires DiSky v4.13.0 Returns string

Represent the temporary status of a voice channel. Can be get, but also set with the following conditions: * If the bot is connected to the channel, with the voice set status permission * If the bot is not connected to the channel, with the manage server permission * The status must be up to 500 characters long


This status is temporary, and will be reset when the bot is disconnected from the channel.

set voice channel status of event-channel to "Doing some maths homework"
[voice] channel status

Channel Region

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns object

No description provided.

set {_region} to region of event-channel
[the] [channel] region of %channel/channelaction%
%channel/channelaction%'[s] [channel] region

Channel Slowmode

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns number

No description provided.

No examples provided.
[the] [channel] slow[( |-)]mode of %channel/channelaction%
%channel/channelaction%'[s] [channel] slow[( |-)]mode

Channel Topic

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

No description provided.

set channel topic of event-channel to "New topic"
set {_topic} to channel topic of event-channel
[the] [channel] topic of %channel/channelaction%
%channel/channelaction%'[s] [channel] topic

Embed Color

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns color

Get or change the color of an embed builder. The color input must come from Skript, and will be converted by DiSky.

set embed color of embed to red
[the] (embed|discord) colo[u]r of %embedbuilder%
%embedbuilder%'[s] (embed|discord) colo[u]r

Creation Date

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns date

Get the creation date (as Skript date) of any ISnowFlake entity, including, but not limited to: - Member - User - Role - Guild - Channel - etc... === "Examples"

creation date of event-user
created date of event-member
[the] creat(ion|ed) date of %guild/member/user/role/channel/message/emote%
%guild/member/user/role/channel/message/emote%'[s] creat(ion|ed) date

Discord ID

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

Get the unique long value (ID) that represent a discord entity.

discord id of event-channel
discord id of event-guild
discord id of event-user
[the] discord id of %channel/role/user/threadchannel/scheduledevent/member/sticker/message/dropdown/button/guild/webhook%
%channel/role/user/threadchannel/scheduledevent/member/sticker/message/dropdown/button/guild/webhook%'[s] discord id

Name of Discord Entity

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string Accepts string

This represents the current name of any discord entity that can hold one. You can change the name of every entity except member and user by defining a new text. Check for nickname of member if you want to check / change custom member's name.

This property accepts string, and will change the name of a bot, channel or role.

discord name of event-guild
discord name of event-user
discord name of event-member

set discord name of event-bot to "My Bot" # Will change the Discord's Bot name (not the username)
[the] [the] discord name of %channel/user/member/sticker/scheduledevent/emote/threadchannel/role/guild/webhook/bot%
%channel/user/member/sticker/scheduledevent/emote/threadchannel/role/guild/webhook/bot%'[s] [the] discord name

Author of Embed

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

No description provided.

set author of the embed to "Author name (Can point to URL)" # author must be set first
set author icon of embed to ""
[the] author of %embedbuilder%
%embedbuilder%'[s] author

Author Icon of Embed

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

No description provided.

set author of the embed to "Author name (Can point to URL)" # author must be set first
set author icon of embed to ""
[the] author icon of %embedbuilder%
%embedbuilder%'[s] author icon

Embed Author URL

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

No description provided.

set author url of embed to ""
[the] author url of %embedbuilder%
%embedbuilder%'[s] author url

Description of Embed

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

No description provided.

set description of embed to "Description of the embed"
[the] description of %embedbuilder%
%embedbuilder%'[s] description

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

No description provided.

set footer of embed to "Footer text"
[the] footer of %embedbuilder%
%embedbuilder%'[s] footer

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

No description provided.

set footer icon of embed to ""
[the] footer icon of %embedbuilder%
%embedbuilder%'[s] footer icon

Image of Embed

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

No description provided.

set image of embed to ""
[the] image of %embedbuilder%
%embedbuilder%'[s] image

Thumbnail of Embed

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

No description provided.

set thumbnail of embed to ""
[the] thumbnail of %embedbuilder%
%embedbuilder%'[s] thumbnail

TimeStamp of Embed

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns date

No description provided.

set timestamp of embed to now
[the] time[( |-)]stamp of %embedbuilder%
%embedbuilder%'[s] time[( |-)]stamp

Title of Embed

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

No description provided.

set title of embed to "Title"
[the] title of %embedbuilder%
%embedbuilder%'[s] title

Embed URL

Requires DiSky v4.12.0 Returns string

Get or change the URL of this embed. The Discord client mostly only uses this property in combination with the title for a clickable Hyperlink. If multiple embeds in a message use the same URL, the Discord client will merge them into a single embed and aggregate images into a gallery view.


This is different from the Embed Title URL property: this one can be used even if there's no title yet, while the other one can only be used if there's a title!

set embed url of embed to ""
[the] embed url of %embedbuilder%
%embedbuilder%'[s] embed url

Title URL of Embed

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

No description provided.

set title url of embed to ""
[the] title url of %embedbuilder%
%embedbuilder%'[s] title url

Emote Name

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

Get the name of this emote. This, instead of 'discord name of %emote%' will return the name of an emote, and not an emoji. You can change this property to change the emote's name itself.

emote name of event-emote
set emote name of reaction "disky" to "disky2" # Will now be 'reaction "disky2"' to get it back
[the] emo(te|ji) name of %emote%
%emote%'[s] emo(te|ji) name

Emote Image URL

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

Get the URL of this emote. Only emote have image URL, emoji are from Discord and will therefore return none here.

emote url of event-emote
emote image of reaction "<:disky:825811394963177533>" #(1)!
  1. See the emojis page for more information about emojis.
[the] [the] emo(te|ji) (ur(i|l)|image [url]) of %emote%
%emote%'[s] [the] emo(te|ji) (ur(i|l)|image [url])

Channel of Scheduled Event

Requires DiSky v4.8.0 Returns audiochannel

Get the channel of a scheduled event. Can be null if the event is external. Will returns either a stage or voice channel.

No examples provided.
[the] scheduled [event] channel of %scheduledevent%
%scheduledevent%'[s] scheduled [event] channel

Cover of Scheduled Event

Requires DiSky v4.8.0 Returns string

Get the cover of a scheduled event. Links to a potentially heavily compressed image. You can append a size parameter to the URL if needed. Example: ?size=4096 This can returns null if no cover is set for the event.

No examples provided.
[the] scheduled [event] cover of %scheduledevent%
%scheduledevent%'[s] scheduled [event] cover

Creator of Scheduled Event

Requires DiSky v4.8.0 Returns user

Get the creator of a scheduled event. May return none if user has deleted their account, the User object is not cached or the event was created before Discord started keeping track of event creators on October 21st, 2021

No examples provided.
[the] scheduled [event] creator of %scheduledevent%
%scheduledevent%'[s] scheduled [event] creator

End date of Scheduled Event

Requires DiSky v4.8.0 Returns date

Get the end date of a scheduled event. Can be null if the event is made from a channel and not an external place.

No examples provided.
[the] scheduled [event] end date of %scheduledevent%
%scheduledevent%'[s] scheduled [event] end date

Location of Scheduled Event

Requires DiSky v4.8.0 Returns string

Get the location of a scheduled event. Returns the specified place if the event is external, or the audio channel's ID.

No examples provided.
[the] scheduled [event] location of %scheduledevent%
%scheduledevent%'[s] scheduled [event] location

Start date of Scheduled Event

Requires DiSky v4.8.0 Returns date

Get the start date of a scheduled event. Cannot be null.

No examples provided.
[the] scheduled [event] [start] date of %scheduledevent%
%scheduledevent%'[s] scheduled [event] [start] date

Status of Scheduled Event

Requires DiSky v4.8.0 Returns string

Get the status of a scheduled event between: - Scheduled - Active - Completed - Cancelled === "Examples"

No examples provided.
[the] scheduled [event] status of %scheduledevent%
%scheduledevent%'[s] scheduled [event] status

Type of Scheduled Event

Requires DiSky v4.8.0 Returns string

Get the type of a scheduled event. It can either be 'voice/stage instance' or 'external' according to the type of the event.

No examples provided.
[the] scheduled [event] type of %scheduledevent%
%scheduledevent%'[s] scheduled [event] type

Default Forum Emoji

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns emote

Represent the default emoji of a forum channel. It's the mote that is added automatically once a new post is created. Can return none and can be changed.

set default emoji of event-forumchannel to reaction "smile"
[the] default [forum] emoji of %forumchannel%
%forumchannel%'[s] default [forum] emoji

Tag Required

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns boolean

Get a true/false value of the tag required state of a forum channel. This property can be changed, and we recommend the tag required condition for checks.

set tag required of event-forumchannel to true
[the] [the] tag required of %forumchannel%
%forumchannel%'[s] [the] tag required

Guild Of

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns guild

Return the guild of a specific entity. This can return null if the entity is not guild-based, like private message channel or message.

guild of event-member
guild of event-channel
[the] guild of %channel/role/sticker/member/message%
%channel/role/sticker/member/message%'[s] guild

AFK Channel of Guild

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns voicechannel

No description provided.

set {_afk} to afk channel of event-guild
set afk channel of event-guild to voice channel with id "AFK"
[the] [discord] afk [voice( |-)] channel of %guild%
%guild%'[s] [discord] afk [voice( |-)] channel

AFK Timeout of Guild

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns number

No description provided.

set {_timeout} to afk timeout of event-guild
set afk timeout of event-guild to 300
[the] [discord] afk time[( |-)]out [second[s]] of %guild%
%guild%'[s] [discord] afk time[( |-)]out [second[s]]

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

No description provided.

set {_banner} to banner of event-guild
[the] [discord] banner of %guild%
%guild%'[s] [discord] banner

Guild Boost Count

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns number

Represent how many people are boosting the guild currently.

reply with "There's %boost amount of event-guild% booster(s)!"
[the] [guild] boost[(ing|er)] (amount|number|size) of %guild%
%guild%'[s] [guild] boost[(ing|er)] (amount|number|size)

Guild Booster Role

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns role

Represent the booster role of this guild. Any member that got this role is actually a booster of the guild.

reply with "Thanks to our %mention tag of boost role of event-guild%!"
[the] [guild] boost[(ing|er)] role[s] of %guild%
%guild%'[s] [guild] boost[(ing|er)] role[s]

Everyone Role

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns role

Represent the @everyone role of a guild. Even if it's not a real role, it share multiple properties such as permissions.

reply with mention tag of everyone role of event-guild
[the] [discord] (public|everyone) role of %guild%
%guild%'[s] [discord] (public|everyone) role

Guild Verification Level

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

Represent the verification level of the guild. It can either be: - None - Low - Medium - High - Very High === "Examples"

reply with verification level of event-guild
[the] [guild] verification level[s] of %guild%
%guild%'[s] [guild] verification level[s]

Invite Code

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

Represent the unique invite code used in the Discord URL.

reply with invite code of event-invite
[the] invite code of %invite%
%invite%'[s] invite code

Invite Inviter

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns user

Represent the user who created the invite.

reply with mention tag of invite inviter of event-invite
[the] invite (inviter|author) of %invite%
%invite%'[s] invite (inviter|author)

Invite Max Age

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns number

Represent the max age time this invite can be used.

reply with invite max age of event-invite
[the] invite max age[s] of %invite%
%invite%'[s] invite max age[s]

Invite Max Uses

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns number

Represent the max amount of times this invite can be used.

reply with invite max use of event-invite
[the] invite max use[s] of %invite%
%invite%'[s] invite max use[s]

Invite URL

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

Represent the plain Discord URL that people have to click on in order to join the invite's guild.

reply with invite url of event-invite
[the] invite url of %invite%
%invite%'[s] invite url

Invite Uses

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns number

Represent the amount of times this invite has been used.

reply with invite uses of event-invite
[the] invite use[s] of %invite%
%invite%'[s] invite use[s]

Member Effective Name

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

Simple way to get the effective name of a member in a guild: If the nickname is not set, it will return the discord name of the member.

reply with effective name of event-member
[the] [member] effective name[s] of %member%
%member%'[s] [member] effective name[s]

Member Join Date

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns date

Represent the skript's date of the member's join date. It cannot be changed. This is a specific element of the bot, so it can be used in the bots event.

reply with member join date of event-member
[the] [member] [member] join date of %member%
%member%'[s] [member] [member] join date

Member Nickname

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

Represent the member nickname. Can be none if the member doesn't have any nickname currently. Use effective name expression to get member's name of its nickname is not set.

reply with member nickname of event-member
set member nickname of event-member to "ayo?!"
[the] [member] nick[( |-)]name[s] of %member%
%member%'[s] [member] nick[( |-)]name[s]

Voice Channel of Member

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns audiochannel

No description provided.

set {_channel} to voice channel of event-member
[the] [member] (voice|audio) channel of %member%
%member%'[s] [member] (voice|audio) channel

Mention Tag

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

Get the mention name of the discord entity. It will return the similar format that when you are doing @ (roles, users) or # (channels) followed by names.

mention tag of event-channel
mention tag of channel with id "000"
[the] mention [tag] of %channel/role/user/emote/member%
%channel/role/user/emote/member%'[s] mention [tag]

Message User Author

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns user

Get the user instance of the message's author. Can be null in case of the message was sent by a webhook.

author of event-message
[the] [discord] [message] (user|author|writer) of %message%
%message%'[s] [discord] [message] (user|author|writer)

Message/Webhook Channel

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns textchannel

Get the text channel were the message was sent. Can be null if it's in PM or not in guild!

Starting DiSky v4.15.0, this can also be used to get the channel of a webhook.

channel of event-message
[the] [discord] [(message|webhook)] [text]( |-)channel of %message/webhook%
%message/webhook%'[s] [discord] [(message|webhook)] [text]( |-)channel

Message Content

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

Get the raw (non formatted) content of a sent message.

content of event-message
[the] [discord] [message] content of %message%
%message%'[s] [discord] [message] content

Message Guild

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns guild

Get the guild where the message was sent. Can be null if it's in PM or not in guild!

guild of event-message
[the] [discord] [message] guild of %message%
%message%'[s] [discord] [message] guild

Message/Event Jump URL

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

Get the jump URL of a specific message/scheduled event

jump url of event-message
jump url of scheduled event with id "000"
[the] [discord] [message] [jump] url of %message%
%message%'[s] [discord] [message] [jump] url

Message Member Author

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns member

Get the member instance of the message's author. Can be null if it's in PM or not in guild!

member writer of event-message
[the] [discord] [message] member (author|writer) of %message%
%message%'[s] [discord] [message] member (author|writer)

Reference Message

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns message

No description provided.

set {_message} to discord message referencing message of event-message
[the] [discord] [message] referenc(ing|ed) message of %message%
%message%'[s] [discord] [message] referenc(ing|ed) message

Profile Banner

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string Accepts string

Get the profile banner URL. If the user doesn't have a custom banner, this will return none. Use the 'profile color' expression to get the color instead of the banner URL in that case!

This property accepts string, and will change the banner of a bot only.

retrieve profile with id "329999814546817024" from event-user and store it in {_m}
set {_banner} to profile banner url of {_m}

set profile banner of event-bot to "<file path or URL>"
[the] profile banner [ur(l|i)] of %userprofile%
%userprofile%'[s] profile banner [ur(l|i)]

Profile Color

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns color

Get the profile color accent. If the user have a custom banner, this will return none. Use the 'profile banner' expression to get the avatar URL instead of the color accent in that case!

retrieve profile with id "329999814546817024" from event-user and store it in {_m}
set {_color} to profile color of {_m}
[the] profile color [accent] of %userprofile%
%userprofile%'[s] profile color [accent]

Role Color

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns color

No description provided.

set {_action} to new role action in event-guild
set role color of {_action} to orange

set {_color} to role color of role with id "000"
[the] role color of %role/roleaction%
%role/roleaction%'[s] role color

Role Name

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

No description provided.

set {_action} to new role action in event-guild
set role name of {_action} to "Member"
[the] role name of %role/roleaction%
%role/roleaction%'[s] role name

Channel/Role Position

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns number Accepts number

Get or change the relative position of a channel (within its category) or role (among all roles). This is also supported by role actions and channel actions!

Position Conflicts

If you try to set a position that is already taken, they will be sorted by their creation date!

discord command moveup:
    prefixes: ?
        remove 1 from channel position of event-channel # remove will move the channel up
[the] [(role|channel)] position of %role/roleaction/channel/channelaction%
%role/roleaction/channel/channelaction%'[s] [(role|channel)] position
  • add (will increase the position)
  • remove (will decrease the position)
  • set (will set the position to the given number)

Tag Emoji

Requires DiSky v4.4.4 Returns emote

Gets the emoji of a forum tag. Can be null if the tag has no emoji.

No examples provided.
[the] tag emo(te|ji) of %forumtag%
%forumtag%'[s] tag emo(te|ji)

User Discriminator (Deprecated)

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

Represent the four digit number after the # of a user's name. These, mixed with the user name itself, are unique. This DOES NOT include the # char, so you have to add it yourself.

reply with discriminator of event-user
[the] [user] discriminator of %user%
%user%'[s] [user] discriminator

Message Builder Content

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

Text content of a message builder See also: 'Create (rich) Message'

create a new message and store it in {_msg}:
    set the content of the message to "Hello World!"

reply with {_msg}
[the] content of %messagecreatebuilder%
%messagecreatebuilder%'[s] content

Track Author

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

Return the author of a specific track

set {_author} to author of last played track.
[the] [discord] [audio] track author of %audiotrack%
%audiotrack%'[s] [discord] [audio] track author

Track Duration

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns timespan

Return the duration of a specific track

set {_duration} to duration of last played track
[the] [discord] [audio] track duration of %audiotrack%
%audiotrack%'[s] [discord] [audio] track duration

Track Identifier

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

Return the unique identifier of a track

set {_id} to identifier of current track of event-guild
[the] [discord] [audio] track id[entifier] of %audiotrack%
%audiotrack%'[s] [discord] [audio] track id[entifier]

Track Position

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns timespan

Return the position of a specific track This property can be changed to move the current position of the track. It will only accept timespan (e.g. '1 second', '25 minutes', etc...)!

set {_position} to track position of track event-bot is playing in event-guild
add 10 second to track position of track event-bot is playing in event-guild
[the] [discord] [audio] track position of %audiotrack%
%audiotrack%'[s] [discord] [audio] track position

Track Thumbnail

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

Return the thumbnail URL of a specific track

set thumbnail of embed to thumbnail of last played track
[the] [discord] [audio] track thumbnail of %audiotrack%
%audiotrack%'[s] [discord] [audio] track thumbnail

Title of Track

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

No description provided.

set {_title} to track title of last played track
[the] [discord] [audio] track title of %audiotrack%
%audiotrack%'[s] [discord] [audio] track title

Track URL

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

Return the YouTube URL of a track

set {_url} to url of last played track.
[the] [discord] [audio] track (url|uri) of %audiotrack%
%audiotrack%'[s] [discord] [audio] track (url|uri)


Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns object

No description provided.

No examples provided.
[(multiple|list|array)] event-<.+>