Presence & Status
As a user, your bot will be able to have a custom online status and presence.
- Status: the little circle in the bottom-right corner of your bot's avatar.
- Presence: the text shown in the bot's profile, defining what it's doing.
The presence will define what your bot is actually doing. It can be one of the following actions:
- Listening
- Watching
- Playing
- Competing
- Streaming
When defining the presence, you'll have to provide the text shown, for example, what game your bot is playing or what music is it listening to.
Here's an example of each presence, and a way to change the bots:
Online Status
The online status will define the little circle at the bottom-right corner of your bot's avatar.
Here's the available online status your bot can have:
- Online (
, shown as)
- Idle (
, shown as)
- Do not disturb (
do not disturb
, shown as)
- Offline (
, shown as, the bot won't be shown as online and will be hidden!)
- Invisible (
, no circle shown, the bot will be shown as offline, but it's actually online!)
To change the bot's online status, simply use this syntax: