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Bot Loading


You should check Bot Creation before if you haven't yet!

You'll see here how to use DiSky in a Skript file, especially how to load your bot.

0. Introduction to Scopes

DiSky is using a lot of scopes, which are very similar to the event system. Instead of being in a trigger (such as on load or a command), a scope is the trigger itself and thus can be placed in a file without a parent.

Scopes come with two sorts of entry (entry looks like name: value):

  • Value entry (form: name: value), event-related literals are forbidden (only global variable & script options works here):

    <scope name>:
            token: "token"

  • Section entry (form: name: <line break> code ...), code that could be running.

    <scope name>:
            on ready:
                send "%event-bot% has been loaded!" to console

It will load automatically when the code is reloaded.

1. Bot Scope

DiSky's bot creation scope looks like this:

# The name specified here doesn't matter with the one used in the developer portal. 
# This one will only be used for recognize your bot in Skript code.
define new bot named "BOT NAME": 

    # The bot's token, small reminder that it MUST be private!
    token: "BOT TOKEN"

    # Gateway intents enabled, others that are not listed here will be disabled.
    # If you're not sure about that, leave it as 'default intents'.
    intents: default intents

    # Advanced bot option, defining websocket, connection and privacy parameters.
    # Here again, if you're not sure about that, leave it as shown below.
    policy: all
    auto reconnect: true
    compression: none

    # Optional section code:
    # Fired once the bot, and all guilds, are ready-to-use.
    on ready:
        # </>
    # Fired once a guild, and all its members, are ready-to-use
    on guild ready:
        # </>

Reload your script, and wait a little. Your bot should be marked as online!

2. Ready Sections

You can execute code as soon as a bot or a guild is ready to use.


An entity being ready-to-use means every action or property is loaded correctly.

on ready

This section will be run once the bot is fully loaded, all guilds included.

The only event-value here is event-bot to get the bot instance that's just loaded:


<scope name>:
    on ready:
        send "&a%event-bot%&2 has been loaded!" to console

This section is also where global application commands are registered. You can get more information about those in the Application Commands page of this wiki.

on guild ready

This section will be run once a guild is fully loaded by a bot. All of its members has been cached (according to the member policy) and same for other entities such as channels, roles, etc...

There's two event value here:

  • event-bot, get the bot who loaded the guild
  • event-guild, get the guild that has just been loaded


<scope name>:
    on guild ready:
        send "&a%event-bot%&2 just loaded &a%event-guild%&2 guild!" to console

This section is also where local application commands are registered. You can get more information about those in the Application Commands page of this wiki.