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Guild Welcome Screen

Requires DiSky v4.10.0

You can change the screen displayed to new users through DiSky! Keep in mind that your server must have this feature enabled, otherwise it must be a community server!


The welcome screen is made out of two-part:

  • The server's description
  • A list of channels with an emoji and a small description of their utility

You'll be able to add up to 5 channels on this screen, and emojis are optional.


In order to pack all the changes in one request, you'll have to use the modify welcome screen section available since DiSky v4.10.0:

set {_g} to guild with id "000" # or any other guild.

# the changes will be applied after the section's execution
modify welcome screen of {_guild}:

    # change the description to something else.
    # if not specified, then it'll be left untouched
    change the screen description to "Welcome to the server! Please read the rules and get roles before chatting."

    # add one or more channels info on the screen
    # up to 5 channels!
    add channel with id "000" named "Read our rules" with reaction "📜" to the screen
    add channel with id "000" named "Get roles" with reaction "🎟️" to the screen