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LavaPlayer is a DiSky module that allows developers to implement music loading & playing with their bots.



This is a premium module and can be accessed through Patreon

  • Download the latest version from the Patreon page.
  • Put the downloaded file in /plugins/DiSky/modules/
  • Restarts your server

And here we go! You can now use the syntax of LavaPlayer in your scripts!

Basic Operation

Before doing anything, it's better to understand how LavaPlayer manages tracks and audio players:


An audio track can be played by a bot. It holds some info such as its title, author, and identifier (YouTube/SoundCloud ID, or local file path).

You can load tracks in 3 different ways:

Via local files

LP supports some file formats such as MP3, WAV, or FLAC. For a full list, check here.

load track from file "plugins/music/mytrack.mp3" and store it in {_track}

{_track} now holds your local track!

Via external (Youtube/Soundcloud) specific URL

This is only for the exact video or playlist URL, which must starts with https://youtube (or https://soundcloud if you want to load sound cloud audio).

LavaPlayer uses a section to chunk your code, and execute the correct one once the section is fired:

load items from url "":

    # Used if it loads a single track.
    on single load:
        set {_track} to loaded track

    # Used if it loads a whole playlist.
    # Besides the playerlist's tracks, it also holds the playlist's name.
    on playlist load:
        set {_track} to first element of tracks of loaded playlist

    # If any failure happened, like no connection, 404 errors, etc...
    on load failure:
        reply with "An exception occured: %the exception%"


You can use the variables from the sub-section outsides! For example here, you can continue your code outside the sections with {_track}

This will search for the provided input and loads tracks accordingly. Actually, on single load should never be called as it must found more than one video here:

search items from input "KDA more":

    # Should not be called there.
    on single load:
        reply with "Oh no, something went wrong ..."

    # The playlist will contain the loaded tracks for the search.
    # Here again we'll just keep the first loaded track.
    on playlist load:
        set {_track} to first element of tracks of loaded playlist

    # If any failure happened, like no connection, 404 errors, etc...
    on load failure:
        reply with "An exception occurred: %the exception%"

    # If no video matched the input at all.
    on no matches:
        reply with "Nothing found for your query!"

Guild Players

LavaPlayer makes your life better: it comes with a built-in guild player system.

Each guild and bot will have a specific Guild player (if you have 2 bots in 1 guild, you'll have 2 players for each bot). It holds information such as the playing track, the volume, the queue, and much more.

However, a player has not been created once the bot loads; only when you play a track, the player will be got (if it exists) or created. Therefore, you cannot change the volume (for example) of a player before playing any track!


set {_queue::*} to queue of event-guild

If you want to specify a bot, simply append ... with bot "name" at the end of the syntax.


set {_current} to playing track of event-guild

The volume must be between 0 and 1000 (both inclusive). Any negative or bigger than 1000 values will be rounded to the closest valid value.

Manage Player

Action Example
Make the player play the specified track. It won't be removed from the queue by itself. play {_track} in event-guild
Skip the current track, by returning and removing the next track from the queue. skip in event-guild and store it in {_track}
Pause the player, without changing the queue nor the playing track. pause in event-guild
Resume the paused track, without changing the queue nor the playing track resume in event-guild
Stop the track that's playing stop the track of event-guild

Track Events

LavaPlayer2 brings some new events that fire once a track ends, starts, etc ... :

on track start:
    send "Track started: %event-audiotrack% by %event-bot%" to console

on track end:
    send "Track ended: %event-audiotrack% by %event-bot%" to console

on track exception:
    send "Track exception: %event-audiotrack% by %event-bot%" to console

on track pause:
    send "Track paused: %event-audiotrack% by %event-bot%" to console

on track resume:
    send "Track resumed: %event-audiotrack% by %event-bot%" to console

on track seek:
    send "Track seeked: %event-audiotrack% by %event-bot%" to console

Player Utility

LavaPlayer player some utility features to help Skript developers: autoplay and repeat:

# If enabled, the playing track that ended will play again forever.
discord command repeat [<text>]:
    prefixes: !
        if arg-1 is not set:
            if repeat state of event-guild is true:
                reply with "Repeat is **enabled**!"
                reply with "Repeat is **disabled**!"
            if arg-1 is "enable":
                set repeat state of event-guild to true
                reply with "Repeat **enabled**!"
            else if arg-1 is "disable":
                set repeat state of event-guild to false
                reply with "Repeat **disabled**!"
                reply with "Invalid state! Use `enable` or `disable`."

# If enabled, the auto-play will start the next track once one finishes.
# It's automatically gonna skip & play the next track basically.
discord command autoplay [<text>]:
    prefixes: !
        if arg-1 is not set:
            if auto play state of event-guild is true:
                reply with "Auto Play is **enabled**!"
                reply with "Auto Play is **disabled**!"
            if arg-1 is "enable":
                set auto play state of event-guild to true
                reply with "Auto Play **enabled**!"
            else if arg-1 is "disable":
                set auto play state of event-guild to false
                reply with "Auto Play **disabled**!"
                reply with "Invalid state! Use `enable` or `disable`."


Repeat is checked before the autoplay, aka if both are enabled, the track will repeat.

Full example

Okay. We saw the basics things until now, here's a small commented example of LavaPlayer2:

discord command play <string>:
    prefixes: !

        set {_channel} to voice channel of event-member
        # Check if the user is in a voice channel
        if {_channel} is not set:
            reply with "You are not in a voice channel!"

        set {_willHaveToConnect} to true

        set {_botChannel} to voice channel of (self member of event-bot in event-guild)
        if {_botChannel} is set:
            # Check if the bot is in the same channel as the member
            if {_botChannel} is not {_channel}:
                reply with "I am already connected to a different voice channel!"
                set {_willHaveToConnect} to false

        # Let's search for the provided input.
        search items with input arg-1:
            on playlist load:
                set {_track} to first element of tracks of loaded playlist

            on no matches:
                reply with "No matches found!"

            on load error:
                reply with "An error occurred while loading the track: %the exception%"

        {_track} is set

        # We'll check if the bot is currently playing or not.
        # (either the queue is not empty or the bot is playing a track)
        set {_isPlaying} to false
        if size of queue of event-guild is bigger than 0:
            set {_isPlaying} to true
        if playing track of event-guild is set:
            set {_isPlaying} to true

        # If the bot is not playing, no need to queue the track
        # (as we'll play it right away)
        if {_isPlaying} is false:
            force play {_track} in event-guild
            reply with "**Now playing:** `%{_track}%`"
        # If not, we simply queue it and inform the user about this.
            add {_track} to queue of event-guild

            reply with "**Track queued:** `%{_track}%` (position: `%size of queue of event-guild%`)"

        # We connect the bot if it's not already connected
        if {_willHaveToConnect} is true:
            connect event-bot to {_channel}

discord command stop:
    prefixes: !
        stop the track of event-guild
        disconnect from event-guild
        reply with "**Stopped the track** bye bye! :wave:"

discord command skip:
    prefixes: !
        if size of queue of event-guild is 0:
            reply with "There is nothing after the current track!"
        # Don't forget 'skip' only skip the track in the queue (remove & returns it)
        skip track in event-guild and store it in {_track}
        # We must play the new one to actually skip it.
        force play {_track} in event-guild

        reply with "**Skipped track! Now playing:** `%{_track}%`"

discord command pause:
    prefixes: !
        pause track in event-guild
        reply with "Paused track!"

discord command resume:
    prefixes: !
        resume track in event-guild
        reply with "Resumed track!"

discord command queue:
    prefixes: !
        set {_queue::*} to queue of event-guild
        if size of {_queue::*} is 0:
            reply with "There is nothing in the queue!"
        set {_l::*} to "`>` **Audio Queue of __%event-guild%__:** (%size of {_queue::*}% items)"
        add "" to {_l::*}
        add "`0` - Currently playing: `%playing track of event-guild%`" to {_l::*}
        add "" to {_l::*}
        loop {_queue::*}:
            add "`%loop-index%` - `%loop-value%`" to {_l::*}
        reply with join {_l::*} with nl