Creator Components Row
Creates a row of components. The specified variable will contains the created row once the section is executed. For now, a row can only hold multiple components of type Button! Use 'the last row builder' expression (within the section) to change the values of the row!
Embed Builder
This builder allow you to make embed easily. You can specify the template used, you must register this template before use it!
discord command embed:
prefixes: !
make embed:
set title of embed to "Title"
set description of embed to "Description%nl%The title leads to the URL, if given"
set author of the embed to "Author name (Can point to URL)"
set author icon of embed to ""
set author url of embed to ""
set embed color of the embed to orange
add inline field named "Field Name" with value "Colour sets %nl%< that" to fields of embed
add inline field named "Field Name" with value "Color is a java Color%nl%Not a string" to fields of embed
add inline field named "Field Name" with value "Field value" to fields of embed
add field named "Non-inline field name" with value "The number of fields that can be shown on the same row is limited to 3, but is limited to 2 when an image is included" to fields of embed
set image of embed to ""
set thumbnail of embed to ""
set title url of embed to ""
set footer of embed to "Footer text"
set footer icon of embed to ""
set timestamp of embed to now
reply with last embed
Create (rich) Message
Creates a rich message. A rich message can receive the following data: - Content - Embed[s] (default max is 1, webhooks can send up to 5) - Attachment(s) (supports images if SkImage is installed) - Components This will be used to both post & edit a message. Simply change what you want and pass the result of the section to the edit effect.
create a new message and store it in {_message}:
set the content of the message to "hello world"
# we create a new component row that'll hold multiple buttons
create a new row and store it in {_row}:
add new danger button with id "test" named "Hello World" with reaction "smile" to the components of the row
add new success button with id "test2" named "yuss" to the components of the row
# we add the row containing two buttons
add {_row} to the rows of message
# row with one button only
add new secondary button with id "test3" named "Another row!" to the rows of message
set {_dp} to new dropdown with id "selector"
set min range of {_dp} to 1
set max range of {_dp} to 2
set placeholder of {_dp} to "Dropdown"
loop "one", "two" and "three":
add new option with value (loop-value) named "Value: %loop-value%" with description "Click to select" with reaction "sparkles" to options of {_dp}
add {_dp} to the rows of message
make embed:
set title of embed to "hello there!"
set embed color of embed to red
set image of embed to "attachment://image1.png"
add last embed to the embeds of message
# SkImage's image. Images are named as: 'imageX.png' where X is the attachment's index.
set {_image} to new image with size 500, 500
set {_font} to new font style with name "Arial Black" and with size 60
set {_text} to new text "Hello World" with color from rgb 255, 255, 255 with font {_font} centered vertically centered horizontally
draw {_text} at 0, 0 on {_image}
add {_image} to attachments of message
reply with {_message}
No description provided.
Modify Welcome Screen
Modify the welcome screen of a guild. At the end, the request will be sent to discord to update the welcome screen.
discord command setup <guild>:
modify welcome screen of arg-1:
change the screen description to "Welcome to the server! Please read the rules and get roles before chatting."
add channel with id "937001799896956991" named "Read our rules" with reaction "?" to the screen
add channel with id "952199041335316520" named "Get roles" with reaction "??" to the screen
No description provided.
No description provided.
No description provided.
No description provided.
No description provided.
No description provided.