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This is NOT for DiSky!

This page is for the Webhooks Module, that is now deprecated. You can see the new Webhooks page for the new way to use webhooks with DiSky.


This documentation page includes all the elements from the module Webhooks.

Make Client Send Builder

Requires DiSky v4.0.0

Make a specific webhook client send a webhook message builder. Don't forget to register the client before, then use the registered name on this effect. The builder have to be made through a webhook message builder section! This effect should also be inside the section. Because of Discord's limitation, you can only get back the message's ID. You have to retrieve it through DiSky's retrieve message effect.

No examples provided.
make [the] [webhook] client %string% send [the] [message] %webhookmessage% [and store (it|the message id) in %-string%]

Register Webhook

Requires DiSky v1.0.0

Register a new webhook client through its Discord URL. The URL contains both webhook's ID and token. Anyone who have it can therefore control your webhook. Once a client is registered, feel free to use it specifying its name registered here.

register webhook name "my_webhook" with url "XXXXXX"
register [new] webhook (named|with name) %string% with [the] url %string%

Builder Embeds

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns embedbuilder

Change the embeds of any webhook message builder.

set webhook embeds of builder to last embed builder
add last embed builder to webhook embeds of builder
[all] [the] webhook embeds of %webhookmessage%
[all] [the] %webhookmessage%'[s] webhook embeds

Builder Files

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

Change the files of any webhook message builder.

set webhook files of builder to "file/path"
add "file/path" to webhook files of builder
[all] [the] webhook files of %webhookmessage%
[all] [the] %webhookmessage%'[s] webhook files

Webhook Message Builder

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns webhookmessage

The current webhook message builder from the current 'make message' section.

No examples provided.
[the] [last] [message] builder

Builder Avatar

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

Change the avatar of any webhook message builder.

set webhook avatar of builder to "avatar url"
[the] webhook avatar of %webhookmessage%
%webhookmessage%'[s] webhook avatar

Builder Content

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

Change the content of any webhook message builder.

set webhook content of builder to "Here's some text"
[the] webhook content of %webhookmessage%
%webhookmessage%'[s] webhook content

Builder Name

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns string

Change the name of any webhook message builder.

set webhook name of builder to "username"
[the] webhook name of %webhookmessage%
%webhookmessage%'[s] webhook name

Builder TTS State

Requires DiSky v4.0.0 Returns boolean

Change the tts state of any webhook message builder. If enabled, Discord will read the message aloud to the user.

set webhook tts of builder to true
[the] webhook tts [state] of %webhookmessage%
%webhookmessage%'[s] webhook tts [state]

Make Message

Requires DiSky v4.0.0

Make a new webhook message builder to change its avatar, name, text and embeds, all that though a section.

make new webhook message:
    set webhook avatar of builder to "avatar url"
    set webhook name of builder to "avatar url"
    set webhook content of builder to "Here's some text"
make [a] [new] webhook message [builder]